HIV Adherence

Strict adherence to antiviral therapy (ART) is key to sustained HIV suppression, reduced risk of drug resistance, improved overall health, quality of life, and survival as well as decreased risk of transmission. Conversely, poor adherence is the major cause of therapeutic failure. Achieving adherence to ART is a critical determinant of long-term outcome in infected patients.
We built a social network for HIV+ children and young adults using a points system to award badges for the most active and adherent patients.


We ran clinical trials together with the Faculty of Medicine at the Federal University of Minas Gerais which noted significant improvements in levels of adhesion to treatment regimes with use  of the application.

People loved our playful badges


This work became the basis of the Masters Thesis ‘Investigação dos aspectos psicológicos da adesão à medicação antirretroviral em pacientes em uso do aplicativo de celular NOPA’ available here


Tools: node.js